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CBD Flowers Gelato Outdoor

  • THC : 0.2%

The origin of the Gelato Outdoor strain

The Gelato CBD flower is an excellent CBD strain of Californian origin, very well known in the cannabis community. A flower that will make your collection of CBD flowers to offer to your customers shine.

In fact, a must-have for enthusiasts, this flower is named Italian "gelato" because of its taste associated with a dessert as it is very fruity and pleasant. The CBD Gelato flower has powerful indica and sativa parent strains that make it unique.

This flower is the result of a long selection and crossing process to obtain a hybrid Gelato with a high CBD content. This variety has therefore been bred to match the THC-free version of the strain, but with a high level of CBD, whose relaxing effects are highly prized.

It is an outdoor strain, which means it is grown in the fresh air outdoors, with all the good nutrients of the wild land. This feature is highly valued by shops that favour organic and natural products.

It's an outdoor variety, which means it's grown in the fresh air outdoors, with all the good nutrients of the wild land.

The relaxing effects of CBD Gelato flower

This flower is very rich in CBD, and offers powerful effects on the body and mind.

First of all, it offers deep relaxation at any time of the day, soothed aches and pains and mental and physical tension. It is perfect for calming you down if you are very agitated or unfocused.

It can also be consumed in the evening after dinner, to relax and prepare for sleep. This is the preferred use for it by fans. Gelato flower is an excellent product to help with sleep.

These effects are highly sought after by consumers and shops sell large quantities each month.

The aroma of CBD Gelato flower

The CBD Gelato flower has beautiful, thick, compact buds. It has a strong peppermint aroma, and an exceptional freshness that is highly appreciated by CBD consumers.

Hop, biscuit and citrus notes are also noticeable. The blend of these two sweet varieties brings a gourmet balance that consumers find hard to get enough of!

The Gelato flower is a flagship product to have in your shop!

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