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CBD Oil 30% Broad Spectrum Chanvréo - 10ml

What is Broad Spectrum CBD Oil 30% used for?

CBD Oil 30% Broad Spectrum is a broad spectrum oil, i.e. it comes from the complete extraction of hemp. Only the THC has been removed.

Thus, in this oil there are molecules of CBD, CBG, or even CBN, so as to offer a wide spectrum of action on the body and well-being. It is therefore the ideal combination to make the most of the virtues on well-being and health.

Broad Spectrum 30% CBD oil therefore improves your general well-being. Among the benefits, there is a significant reduction in the state of stress or anxiety, a reduction in anxiety attacks, a reduction in body pain (migraine, headache, inflammation of the digestive system, nausea, etc.), faster falling asleep and improved quality of sleep

How to consume CBD oil 30% Broad Spectrum?

30% Broad Spectrum CBD oil is dedicated to people who are very stressed or need a faster effect. Indeed, 30% Broad Spectrum CBD oil is, as its name suggests, concentrated at 30% in CBD oil. 

In order to adjust the dosage necessary for each, we advise to start by taking a few drops under the tongue, leaving on for about thirty seconds. 

If the desired effects do not occur, add a few drops. We recommend taking notes to record the number of drops consumed, the time of day, and the effects observed. So you can get to know your needs and the effects of the oil on your body. 

Of course, if you need to fall asleep faster or get a better night's sleep, we recommend taking Broad Spectrum CBD Oil 30% about thirty minutes before bed. 

Why trust Chanvréo?

The natural products of the Chanvréo brand come from hemp plants grown in the European Union. Their oils contain no additives, and are THC-free (the hemp molecule that has addictive and psychoactive effects).

Chanvréo is a brand specializing in CBD products, and also offers CBG oils or broad spectrum oils.

The brand offers a wide range of more or less concentrated products depending on the needs: from 5% to 30% (in the latter case this means that for 10ml of vegetable oil, 3ml is CBD oil)

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