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CBG Oil 5% Broad Spectrum Chanvréo - 10ml

What is 5% Broad Spectrum CBD Oil?

CBD oil 5% Broad Spectrum is a vegetable oil containing 5% cannabidiol - or CBD. This oil contains broad-spectrum CBD, that is to say that it comes from the complete extraction of the plant, including the flowers, leaves, stems and seeds.

The goal ? To be able to benefit from all the active ingredients of hemp, except THC which is a psychotropic. This is what makes 5% Broad Spectrum CBD Oil completely legal in Europe.

Each person reacts differently to cannabinoids, so it is important to start taking a few drops to observe the effects on their body.

Good to know : this product should not be used by children or pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Why use 5% Broad Spectrum CBD Oil?

5% Broad Spectrum CBD Oil is fast and effective due to its high bioavailability. The interaction of the different molecules of the broad-spectrum oil creates what is called the “entourage effect”, that is to say that the body will benefit from their complementary actions.

The 5% Broad Spectrum CBD oil therefore allows greater efficiency thanks to all the molecules it contains

You can use Broad Spectrum CBD Oil 5% daily if the need arises. It has among its positive virtues: 

  • Improved quality of sleep,

  • Relief of stress symptoms,

  • Better concentration on a daily basis,

  • Reduction of certain chronic or transient pain,

  • Better reaction to anxiety or panic attacks.

To enjoy the benefits of CBD oil for a long time, keep the bottle away from light and in a cool, dry place.

Good to know : 5% Broad Spectrum CBD oil is not used in culinary preparations. 

Why trust Chanvréo?

Chanvréo is a brand of products based on CBD and CBG. The products are carefully designed and manufactured with the aim of maximum efficiency.

The brand mainly offers various oils of vegetable origin, with different concentrations. Chanvréo guarantees all its products without THC, thus excluding any risk of physical addiction.

Chanvréo offers a wide range of hemp-based products. Choose from the different concentrations of the brand's products: 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% or 30%. 

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