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Infusion CBD

Hot or cold, make a tea ceremony with CBD

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Why consume CBD teas and herbal teas?

Effectively combat your body's immune weaknesses, due to seasonal and temperature changes, with CBD infusions from Euphoria. In addition to allowing your body to cope with the cold, this tea will help you silence various ailments of our century. Among its many benefits, this comforting drink promises to:

Reduce stress and anxiety. Between work, family obligations and the various subway-work-sleep commutes, many of us are overworked. Constantly under pressure, we often wait until it's too late before we worry about our health. But fortunately, CBD is there to remedy this! Known for its relaxing and calming abilities, you can harness the virtues of the cannabidiol molecule to disconnect your mind, for a few minutes in your day;

To promote real sleep and falling asleep. Going through stressful days often leads to an anxious mind. This makes it hard to fall asleep, sleep is not restful and fatigue sets in. Here again, CBD can help by putting you in the right conditions to find sleep;

Assist with digestion. Slowed metabolism, fatigue etc.... There are a lot of things that can put our digestive system at risk. CBD will help reduce bloating and make us digest more easily;

Assist in the digestive process.

Relieve pain and headaches. As various studies have already proven, CBD performs well when it comes to reducing or even eliminating pain. Highly recommended for anyone who is prone to migraines.

CBD tea bags composition and packaging

This tea made from real cannabis leaves and enriched with CBD (50 mg) is packaged in a box of 20 sachets of 1.5 g each. There are 10 tea bags per box. Store in a cool, dry place, protected from light. The shelf life is up to 24 months.


Chamomile 35%
Melissa 30%
Lemon balm 15%
Hemp seeds 10%
Argusta 5%
Orange oil flavouring 5%
Hemp leaves 3%

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